In case you can't quite make out what it says:
Why would you put sandals on a cock?
-Because We are sexual Beings and sex is GREAT
-Because We are sexual Beings and sex is GREAT
My reaction? WTF???? I laughed, but, then I analyzed. First, I wondered which type of cock they were referring to the rooster. . . or the other one and why one earth you would ever put sandals on either??? Furthermore, what do sandals have to do with sex? The writer/academic in me tried to make some sense of this, but, I couldn't.
Bathroom graffiti is one of the most interesting WTF's of our generation. I really wonder motivates people to write things that make no sense in a bathroom to be read by people that they don't know? And why do people respond? Why do they respond in sometimes completely incomprehensible ways? Its funny, but, more than that, its also fascinating. I can't help but laugh at this but I can't help but wonder what motivates people to do what they do?